Monday, September 10, 2012

this is an explanation of the work .Idid in my Academic Communication class. Ilearned how to make aprezi hoow blog and how to do a suvrey .  Iam now able too make a presentation on prezi or poulerpoint .Ihave now learned how to blog and Ican conduct asurvey .

First prezi :
1- Frist Ichose a title .Next I created on image and video .Then Ilink the information with the prezi design .Finally Isen the hyperlink to MR .Vanc .My prezi was about me and my daily life. 

second prezi : less pollution is the best solution 

is veary good for live 

My; blogs is about  Academic Communication 
I learn many thing from class

my surveymonky ; is about foot ball
I ask people to see if see foot ball

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hi mr vancestev

I learn many thing from you class , likes Ilearn how I write praject  and how Benefited from the Internet and
look in the websayd .